Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day!

March 08, 2018 5 Comments

Hello my darlings!

I’m placing a pause on my much needed and deeply nourishing social media sabbatical for International Women’s Day. The past three months have been a challenging yet transformative time for me. I’ve been diving deep within the fires of self-acceptance, and uncovering some not so easy truths. 

I feel compelled to speak about our right as women to use our sacred “No”. For years, I’ve seen the idea of self-care sold to women within frame work of “take care of yourself so you can take care of others”. I, myself, am guilty of playing into this mindset of “we cannot pour from an empty cup”. And while these statements have weight and meaning, they are scratching the surface of developing authentic self worth.

Our bodies are not tools to be used. Sure, it’s altruistic to say to ourselves “it’s ok to take care of myself enough so I can give back to others”. That used to be the excuse I told myself when I’d roll out my mat each morning. It’s an easy pill to swallow. But to this I say, “No”. It’s not good enough. Why isn’t nourishing ourselves for the sake of nourishing ourselves enough? It is your God(dess) given right to take care of yourself, body, mind, and spirit. Self care is a hashtag thrown around like nothing. WE ARE SACRED. We contain multitudes. Spirit in human form. Reclaiming this truth is where cultivating self-worth begins. As women, we are connected deeply to the cosmos. Our bodies are in rhythm with the moon cycles each month. We can literally carry and birth LIFE. Daily connection to self is necessary for communicating with intuition and guidance. I hope that someday I’ll be able to show my future children that you don’t have to apologize or offer excuses for needing space to unwind, process, release, recharge. We all need that. We’ve just been taught otherwise.
 And we’ve been taught that honoring ourselves is “selfish”. That little thought in your head that tells you to do less, be less, conform, don’t take that time off, push through the pain, don’t ask for help...is systemic. It’s been wired into society to strip a woman of her power. Our circles have been broken up. Women have been separated and turned against one another. 
No more. I love my sisters. I’ve been so honored to be a part of some POWERFUL circles this year. Women in business. Women who are not afraid of to face themselves and do their inner work. Women who fight for equality and our right to decide what is done with our sacred bodies. I’ve gotten to travel across the oceans with these women, visiting standing stones, bathing in sacred waters, reconnecting with the Earth, together, in community. As we began.
To my magical, sacred, powerful, life-giving, creative sisters: I am in awe of you. I see your greatness. I reach my hand to you in solidarity. I honor your pain as my own. I’ve seen how deeply healing it can be to come together in circle, as we have since the beginning of time. I encourage you to reach out. Find a women’s group in your area. Start a monthly circle. We are not meant to heal these deep wounds alone. From an energetic stand point, I truly believe that some traumas need to be healed through the power of sacred sisterhood.
I am so honored to get to lead an online circle through the Home practice series for Backcare & Scoliosis.  And while this circle is not specifically a women’s circle (brothers are welcome too!), it is a testament to how transformative our collective can be in releasing fear and healing ourselves.

5 Responses


November 12, 2020

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?


September 27, 2020



September 27, 2020



July 26, 2020



July 26, 2020


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