⫸ Looking for ways to connect with the sanctity of Mother Earth and bring Her magic back into your daily life

⫸ Ready to bow deeply to your soul’s purpose and cultivate the practice of living with clear intention

⫸ Seeking a nourishing unplug from the over stimulation of today’s world, and re-aligning yourself with the pulse of the universe​ 

⫸ Longing for a community of like-minded women creating the container for expansion and support

What is the flow of the retreat?

You are free to arrive to Lakewood Estate anytime after 3pm on Wednesday, July 31st, where you’ll be able to settle into your room, and have a yummy homemade meal at your leisure. We’ll meet as a group for a special welcome ceremony at 8 pm.

Each morning we’ll gather for Tea and Meditation, followed by an embodiment practice. The days will be full of adventure out in the local landscape, connecting with the Elemental magic that the Hudson Valley holds. You’ll also have some free time on Saturday afternoon to meet with local healers before our fire ceremony on Saturday night.

Sunday afternoon we’ll have our closing circle after lunchtime, and you can feel free to spend time at the retreat center, or you can begin your travel home!

"The Women’s Circle opened me up like never before. I felt everything that I’ve been holding in for a long time just come out. I felt a sense of peace. I felt safe. I also learned I should trust my own instincts more often. I felt no judgement - that everyone was equal."

~ Amy Czerniak, New York

Our Immersion will include:

⫸Private access to Wildflower Island in Teatown Reservation with a local healer and expert herbalist

⫸At-home medicine making to support you through health and healing

​⫸Practice daily tea and meditation ceremony

​⫸ Daily embodiment practices including intentional dance and yoga (A loving note for our Backcare students: while this is not a backcare & scoliosis focused retreat, you will be in very good hands practicing with Rachel & Judy who are both certified backcare & scoliosis specialists. all of these elements will be a beautiful support to your healing journey!)

⫸Three locally sourced, organic meals a day to nourish you body and soul

​⫸Access to the Healing Waters of the Croton Valley at a Private beach in the forest!

​⫸Healing bespoke rituals and ceremonies

​⫸Elemental blessings

"Thank you for a truly grounding and clearing retreat day yesterday. Today, I felt a shift in energy, inspiration and ignition of fire in my actions. Such a blessing!" ~ Deanna Sidotti , Yoga Teacher & Studio Owner , Chester, NJ

"It is the first time I have done energy/emotional work where I actually feel it working! This first week of starting on changing my mind set and focusing on feelings of creativity, I have had vivid dreams every night! I used to dream tons in my younger years, but over the last few years I have almost never dreamed! I missed it.  I am so happy I found Rachel!!!" ~Ashley Chuipka ,British Columbia, Canada

Where are we Staying?

Our retreat will be held at the serene Lakewood Estates, a 200-acre nature reserve filled with peaceful views, ponds, meadows, and countless spaces for you to recenter for your year ahead.

The beautiful, quiet accommodations will allow you to completely unplug and sleep deeply.

For the local attendees: even if you live close by, I suggest staying at the estate so that you can receive the medicine of completely immersing yourself in the powerful healing container we’ll be creating together. Although the choice is yours, the price will remain the same even if you do not stay on the premise.

How to Get There:

Our retreat is located in Croton on Hudson, NY, just one hour north of NYC, and accessible by car or public transportation! If you're coming from afar, getting there is easy from any of the New York City airports (LaGuardia and Newburgh are the closest). We can connect you with fellow attendees for carpool options from the airport. Lakewood Estate is also a quick 5 minute drive from the Amtrak/MetroNorth train station at Croton Harmon. More information on travel will be provided in detail after you register.

Your Guide:

Rachel Jesien is a Seeress, Celtic Shamanic Priestess and Yogini dedicated to the healing of the Earth and all of Her inhabitants. Her spiritual transformation began with a 45 degree scoliotic curvature of her spine, which left her with a broken dance career and paralyzed with pain. Her suffering became a catalyst for transformation as she began studying the physical body in depth, and became an expert in the world of Yoga for Backcare & Scoliosis. As her physical body became more aligned, her psychic abilities opened up exponentially; a gift that had been long suppressed since childhood. She began studying Shamanism with Yukiko Amaya, long time apprentice of Don Miguel Ruiz, and was called in vision to visit Sacred sites across South America, Australia and Europe. In 2017, Rachel began her Priestess of  Goddess training in the Glastonbury Goddess spiralage. Rachel has since been guided to steward a piece of land in the Hudson River Valley, where she leads retreats, women's circles, and healing seminars each year. Her vision for reconnecting groups of women to the cycles of the moon and heartbeat of the Earth is of utmost importance. She now guides a global community in aligning body, mind and soul through spiritual mentoring and leading Goddess Centered healing ceremonies in the Avalonian tradition. To read more about Rachel's Story, click here. 

Questions about the retreat?

Send us a message